What is the relationship between economic growth and the environment? What is ‘green growth’ and why does the degrowth movement oppose it? And what does it mean to be agnostic about growth in the context of sustainability? In this episode we speak with two scholars who approach these questions from a degrowth perspective – Dr. Susan Paulson from the University of Florida, and Dr. Bengi Akbulut, from Concordia University in Canada. The episode also delves into Global South perspecitves on the growth-environment debate.
Episode 2.11: Growth, Degrowth, Agrowth
agrowth anti-capitalist Antonio Gramsci biophysical implications capitalism Climate change coal colonialism COVID-19 decoupling Decoupling debunked: Why green growth is not enough degrowth ecological sustainability ecomodernist energy consumption environmental kuznets curve equality feminist GDP Global South Green New Deal greenhouse gas emissions growth growth agnositicism Indigneous international justice Kurdish Freedom Movement Latin America marginalization Marxist neo-Malthusianism political spectrum politics Red Nation renewable energy resource consumption Rethinking Marxism Scandinavian sustainability of growth technology technoptomism The Jevons Paradox Turkey William Stanley Jevons