Episode 9: Ecofeminism and Queer Ecology

Dr. Cate Sandilands
Professor of Environmental Arts and Justice, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University
Peter Andrée
Professor, Department of Political Science, Carleton University
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Dr. Cate Sandilands
Catriona (Cate) Sandilands is Professor of Environmental Arts and Justice in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University, where she teaches and writes in the Environmental Humanities. She is the author of over 80 scholarly and popular articles and chapters on environmental literatures, histories, cultures, and politics, and past president of both the Association for Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada (ALECC) and the Association for Literature ad Environment (ASLE). She is well known for her writing on ecofeminism and queer ecologies, especially her book The Good-Natured Feminist: Ecofeminism and Democracy (Minnesota, 1999) and co-edited volume Queer Ecologies: Sex, Nature, Politics, Desire (with Bruce Erickson, Indiana, 2010). Her most recent book is an edited collection of "small" climate stories, poems, and essays, Rising Tides: Reflections for Climate-Changing Times (Caitlin, 2019), see also www.storyingclimatechange.com.
Dr. Sherilyn MacGregor
Sherilyn MacGregor is a Professor in the Department of Politics and the Sustainable Consumption Institute at the University of Manchester. After completing a PhD in the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University, she immigrated to the UK and has taught environmental politics there since 2006. Her research focusses on interconnections between feminist and green politics and between (un)sustainability and social (in)justice. Dr MacGregor’s two most recent projects explore connections between climate change and care work (funded by Oxfam USA) and how environmental knowledge and everyday practices change (or don’t) when people migrate to UK cities from Global South contexts (funded by the Leverhulme Trust). Publications include Beyond Mothering Earth: Ecological Citizenship and the Politics of Care (UBC Press 2006), Environment and Politics 4th Edition (Routledge 2015), The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Environment (Routledge 2017); she is also an Editor of Environmental Politics journal.